Adopt mother cows and watch the game; those without names will become famous.
Happiness, prosperity, and serenity are the results of serving mother cows.
Your luck will be abundant when you feed mother cows with fodder.

Shri Korathan Gai Jatan Sanstha

Shri Korathan Gai Jatan Sanstha, situated in the region of Pimpalgaon Rotha Taluka, Ahmednagar District, is dedicated to the exclusive protection and welfare of the revered Desi cows. Our unwavering commitment revolves around the preservation, promotion, and well-being of these indigenous bovine species, which hold a special place in our cultural and agricultural heritage.

With a rich history deeply intertwined with the Desi cows, our organization is on a mission to safeguard their future. We work tirelessly to provide them with the care, attention, and protection they deserve. Our team of passionate individuals, including veterinarians and cow enthusiasts, ensures that these majestic creatures receive the best possible care, from healthcare to nutrition and shelter.


Gir Cows in our Gaushala


Bulls in our Gaushala


Desi Cows in our Gaushala


This Organization is Committed Towards Cow by Doing the Following Activities
Cow adoption is a unique and compassionate way for individuals or organizations to contribute to animal welfare and sustainable agriculture. When someone adopts a cow, they typically support a farm or sanctuary that rescues.
Feeding cows is a crucial aspect of their care, impacting their health, productivity, and overall well-being. Cows are ruminant animals, meaning they have a specialized stomach with four compartments: the rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum.

Cow shelters, also known as barns or cowsheds, play a crucial role in providing a comfortable and protective environment for cows. These structures are designed to safeguard cattle from harsh weather conditions extreme temperatures.

About Us

Shri Korathan Gai Jatan Sanstha, situated in the region of Pimpalgaon Rotha Taluka, Ahmednagar District, is dedicated to the exclusive protection and welfare of the revered Desi cows.

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